Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Resep Masakan Prancis

Chicken With Mushroom, Onion and Lardons

 ilustrasi (c) starchefs
Vemale.com - Bila selama ini Anda hanya menikmati hidangan Prancis di restoran ternama, sekarang bisa mencoba membuatnya sendiri. Inilah resep andalah restoran Prancis terkenal, Lyon-Hotel Mandarin Oriental Jakarta.
Untuk: 6 porsi
1,2 kg ayam, potong jadi 10 bagian
180 gr beef bacon, buang kulitnya dan potong 1 cm
350 gr elbow pasta, rebus bersama 1 sm butter, hidangkan dengan taburan peterseli
1,2 liter red wine
180 gr wortel, iris bulat tipis
180 gr jamur kancing, iris agak tebal
180 gr bawang shallot, kupas dan iris tipis
5 gr bawang putih, cincang halus
220 gr bawang bombay, iris dadu
Thyme secukupnya
1 lembar bay leaf
120 gr peterseli, cincang
80 gr butter
60 gr garam
40 gr merica
Cara membuat:
Bumbu perendam
  1. Bumbui ayam sehari sebelumnya.
  2. Rendam ayam dengan wine, irisan bawang bombay, irisan wortel, thyme, bay leaf dan merica.
  3. Tutup dan simpan dalam lemari es semalaman.
Ayam dan saus
  1. Setelah disimpan semalaman, angkat ayam dan sayuran dari bumbu perendam. Saring air perendam, pisahkan.
  2. Panaskan minyak zaitun di dalam wajan cekung. Masukkan ayam, tumis sebentar hingga kecokelatan. Angkat dan pindahkan ke dalam panci besi (Dutch oven).
  3. Tumis sayur hingga sedikit kecokelatan, lalu campurkan ke dalam panci besi.
  4. Tambahkan bawang putih.
  5. Masak air bumbu perendam hingga mendidih dengan menggunakan panci besi terpisah.
  6. Tuangkan tumisan sayur dan ayam ke dalam air bumbu perendam, tutup lalu masak hingga mendidih selama 1 hingga 2 jam (tergantung tingkat kematangan ayam).
  7. Siapkan wajan terpisah, cairkan butter lalu masukkan bacon, jamur dan bawang shallot. Tumis hingga berwarna kecokelatan, selama kurang lebih 8 menit.
  8. Sebelum dihidangkan, masukkan campuran bacon ke dalam panci besi berisi ayam. Aduk rata dan panaskan. Tambahkan garam dan merica sesuai selera.
  9. Taburi dengan potongan peterseli, sajikan bersama pasta di mangkuk terpisah.

Tsavo lion restaurant

                        Tsavo Lion Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

When talking about the most unforgettable dine ever, what would you refer? Dining with the person you love in a romantic candle light set under the moon? Or maybe have a fine dining in a fancy first class restaurant with family or friends? Well, if one of those is your answer for the most unforgettable dine moment yet, you have to try Tsavo Lion Fine Dining Restaurant.
Tsavo Lion Restaurant is the first African themed restaurant in Asia, which allow you to have a close encounter with real wildlife. This fine dining restaurant located side by side with lion's exhibition area. Therefore, you will see a pride of lions; gather and playing with each other while you enjoying the most delectable set of menu.

A Memorable Dining With the Lion

Can you picturing yourself dining in the middle of lion? While grabbing a bite, the majestic background sound of lion’s roar will accompany your fine dining moment. Here, in the Tsavo Lion Restaurant, it’s not an imagination or a day dream to have such experience. This fine dining restaurant allows you to having a dinner with a pride of lions, in a secure way, of course.
Full length glass panel is surrounding the restaurant. Therefore, the guests will feel save during their meal, but still can observe the lions directly in their exhibitions area. From the landscaped enclosure, you can watch the lions and the lions can watch you. It is an amazing setting for your most
 unforgettable moment of fine dining experience.

Prepared by our experienced chef, the restaurant serves food from all over the world such as African, Asian, Middle-Eastern, Mediterranean, and South American cuisine. Let your appetite lead your choice of food from the menu and enjoy the fine dining experience with the shadow of Bali’s sacred Mount Agung looming in the distance. No doubt that Tsavo Lion is the perfect destination to go when you are searching for a fine dining restaurant as part of your Bali holiday amazing moment.